Friday, November 24, 2006

Hiking at Whistler

We took a trip up the coast to Whistler where the big mountains loom, largely to scope it out for the winter. The plan was to hike the "Ancient Cedars Trail" but we had the damnest time finding it (see Jenni's email about signs in BC). Finally finding the trail, we set out for a small hike. The boys were not very interested at first but (as boys do) found fun along the way. There were lots of small animals along the path, and a small, black squirrel really caught our attention. It was perched atop a dead tree about 25 ft up. Strange to say it, but it was chattering at us, trying to communicate. What it was "saying" is hard to determine but it seemed insistent about a certain, unknowable point. Luke, who (at the age of 7 is not jaded like you or me) has powers to speak with animals, powers we don't understand, stood off the side of the trail with hands to his temples. He focused hard and entered into a state of communion w/ our furry friend. "I think he's telling us there's a bear ahead," Luke said with a straight face. The rest of us, having observed the mind-link, started to double-over w/ laughter.

Last night we saw a heron in the bay coming back from a nice ThanksG dinner at the Sorrells'. Luke wanted to watch it and, in the moment, I asked him if he would please tell the bird that we mean no harm. Luke punched me in the gut. So much for encouraging his Dr. Doolittle gift.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


An alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do.
- Dylan Thomas

Everyone's a scoundrel. Friends are scoundrels you understand.
- Me